Ama-Deus® Spring, 2015


Welcome to those who are looking for information for the first time, and those who have already been practicing Ama-Deus. There is no greater time than now to begin anew, with the Spring upon us in the Northern Hemisphere, and the reflections of what has been harvested in the Southern Hemisphere.

I would like to share with you some words of wisdom from Dr. Edward Bach.

“The real peace of the Soul and mind is with us when we are making spiritual advance, and it cannot be obtained by the accumulation of wealth alone, no matter how great. But the times are changing, and the indications are many that this civilization has begun to pass from the age of pure materialism to a desire for the realities and truths of the universe. The general and rapidly increasing interest exhibited to-day for the knowledge of superphysical truths, the growing number of those who are desiring information on existence before and after this life, the founding of methods to conquer disease by faith and spiritual means, the quest after the ancient teachings and wisdom of the East – all these are signs that people of the present time have glimpsed the realty of the things.”

These words ring Truth for me for as I travel to all parts of the world I meet and see so many people not just seeking but doing great spiritual work. And so it is easy to know that as much turmoil there seems to be in the world there is a great expansion of compassion. And so do not give up in your work as a peaceful warrior because it is just this that will change the world. It is simpler than you can imagine, simply Love yourself and Love your neighbor.

There is no greater Force than Love.


  1. Launching of the updated website. Please review at And please share!
  2. At the request of some practitioners there are now Ama-Deus T-shirts – Click here for the on-line store.
  3. A Spanish version of the book Ama-Deus Healing with the Sacred Energy of the Universe is now complete! Many thanks to Mayda Villar. This will go to print May 2015.
  4. Watch for a series of children’s book chronicling the adventures with Annie and energy healing – Fall/Winter 2015

Who’s Who

Please visit the global map on the website to review the available instructors and practitioners of Ama-Deus in your area Click here.

If you would like to be listed as a practitioner please Click Here and find the application for a yearly membership.

What’s Coming/What’s Completed

An Ama-Deus III Level has been developed and will have the first session this May in Spain.
The title of this class is “BECOMING AN EMISSARY FOR LOVE AND PEACE”
The purpose of healing is to be a Light in the Universe, you have chosen at this time to be a part of the Earth history, are you all that you can be?

There is a continuous Weekly Prayer list sent out on Sundays. All are welcome to send a name to this world-wide prayer circle. Click Here –  The format follows the Ama-Deus intention to aid and uplift humanity at a soul level.

Those who have taken the Ama-Deus class and wish to partake in the service of offering healing and world peace please send an email to:

Love is the Force that holds the Universe together. Love is the act that brings all hearts to the Truth. Love is the act of offering freedom to all souls to be what they are.
