Las aventuras de Anita Energia

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text] Las aventuras de Anita Energia Anita vive con su familia y amigos en un pueblito de Estados Unidos. Acompaña a Anita en sus aventuras mientras descubre cómo nos ayuda el mundo invisible de la energía en las lecciones de vida. Las aventuras de Anita Energia “Las aventuras de Anita Energía ha sido escrito para guiar a … Read more

COMING MARCH 19 for Children and Families

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text] The Adventures of Energy Annie The Adventures of Energy Annie follows a young girl who lives with her family in a small town in the Midwest and learns how the invisible world of energy assists in life lessons. In this first book Annie along with her faithful companion Mitzie, is introduced to the use of energy … Read more

Ama-Deus® Fall, 2015


You are receiving this newsletter because at some point you have taken Ama-Deus method of healing, or you are interested in this method. You might have recently taken the class, or it may have been some time ago. Nevertheless, it is almost certain that you have acquired several other spiritual practices besides Ama-Deus!

This newsletter might be considered a “question letter” rather than a newsy letter, and the question is this: how many spiritual routines are you sporting at this time?

Yes I used the word sport. I like to think of myself not as a spiritual warrior, but rather a spiritual athlete. An athlete watches what they eat, exercises daily for strength and muscle memory, and incorporates mindful images into their practice and routines.

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Ama-Deus® Spring, 2015


Welcome to those who are looking for information for the first time, and those who have already been practicing Ama-Deus. There is no greater time than now to begin anew, with the Spring upon us in the Northern Hemisphere, and the reflections of what has been harvested in the Southern Hemisphere.

I would like to share with you some words of wisdom from Dr. Edward Bach.

“The real peace of the Soul and mind is with us when we are making spiritual advance, and it cannot be obtained by the accumulation of wealth alone, no matter how great. But the times are changing, and the indications are many that this civilization has begun to pass from the age of pure materialism to a desire for the realities and truths of the universe. The general and rapidly increasing interest exhibited to-day for the knowledge of superphysical truths, the growing number of those who are desiring information on existence before and after this life, the founding of methods to conquer disease by faith and spiritual means, the quest after the ancient teachings and wisdom of the East – all these are signs that people of the present time have glimpsed the realty of the things.”

These words ring Truth for me for as I travel to all parts of the world I meet and see so many people not just seeking but doing great spiritual work. And so it is easy to know that as much turmoil there seems to be in the world there is a great expansion of compassion. And so do not give up in your work as a peaceful warrior because it is just this that will change the world. It is simpler than you can imagine, simply Love yourself and Love your neighbor.

There is no greater Force than Love.

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Ama-Deus® Winter, 2014


There are only a few days left before spring, however from my stance here in the Midwest of the USA, we are still very much experiencing winter! This is a short newsletter with a short thought below and announcement of the spring schedule of classes in Europe and Canada.


Here we are, so many months from the grand entrance of 2012.

Now is the time for all to stand knowing who they are. Even though the news media dominates in giving us all the sorrow and sadness in the world, even though the weather seems erratic, even though your own path can sometime seem weary…there is a growing of Light and Love so large that many of us are missing this mark.

Listen. Quietly listen to the expanding goodness in humanity. The cacophony that our media collects is the outcome of the growing of Love and Light. The sun is shining everywhere.

So many times you have heard how wonderful it is to be alive during this great transition. You have arrived, and you have made a mark. Ask yourself… is it the best mark? Could I do better each day, could I spread kindness a little bit more? The flame has started, contribute to this and keep it going, see it growing in your own heart.

It could very well be that you took many, many lifetimes to prepare for this incarnation; your growth in past incarnations has supplied you with the tools and awareness. Trust in this. Do not judge what your tools are compared to someone else’s. Be kind and gentle to yourself… you simply need to be who you are – and to allow others to be who they are, and to rejoice in being alive. …as it is said I AM and Y-O-U ARE a child of the Universe.

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Dublin, Ireland

“There is a history of cancer on my father’s side of the family, his mother and three of his sisters passed on from the disease, so when my Aunt Bernadette, one of his two surviving sisters, was diagnosed with malignant melanoma last year it threw the family into a deep level of despair. Since my father’s family had lost so many to the disease, it seemed inevitable to them that the same fate awaited their sister.

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Hong Kong, China

“Two months ago my friend told me that there would be an energy healing class named Ama Deus to be held in Hong Kong. I was told it was very powerful. As I am a healer, healing people almost every day, I was very excited and immediately paid the deposit indicating my intention to join the class.

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California, USA

“Integrity is the word I think of when I think of master healer, Beth Cosmos, author of Ama Deus Healing with the Sacred Energy of the Universe and the designated lineage holder for the extraordinary work that she teaches. As a clairvoyant, I have personally witnessed the pure golden light that Beth brings in to powerfully affect and heal the Human Energy Structures of her clients. Her technique and connection to her own direction is inspiring.

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New Orleans, USA

“When Dr. Cosmos asked me to participate in a twenty-one day remote group healing I knew that I had been blessed from that moment on. At the time, I was trying to heal from a toe amputation eight months prior. The toe had been giving me a problem because of my diabetes. The very first day of remote healing I felt tingling.

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Saskatoon, Canada

“Hi Beth,

I am sitting here amazed at the system that I received from you! I experienced the clear light of the heart today during the heart centre expanding and realigning.  I have never experienced anything like that before! I have an experience with my son and also an energy worker that I would like to share.

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